Since retiring I spent some of my days, walking through the landscape of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire along or near the border between the counties along the Icknield Way.

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Icknield Way (Wilbury Hill to Sharpenhoe Clappers)

A Collection of walks along the Icknield Way between Letchworth and Luton.

These are all walks that my wife and I have taken along the route of the the Icknield Way between Letchworth and Sharpenhoe.

They are all walks that are near to the Icknield Way and in many cases follow the route of the Icknield way for part of the walk or cross the Icknield Way.

The Icknield Way is though to be a Neolithic route that trade took place. Perhaps taking flint from Grimes Grave to the settlements along the south channel coast.

There are numerous historical sites along this part of the route stretching from Neolithic times to the now.

At Wilbury Hill there is evidence of many sites some evident and others no so. Then further along at Pirton there is more evidence in the from of a settlement and later a Motte and Bailey Castle.

Then around Pirton and Hexton to the outskirts of Luton and on to Sharpenhoe many Neolithic sites including Hill Forts, Long Barrows, round barrows and Earthworks.

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